Shri Shri Kali Puja and Deepavali Celebration at Bharatsevashram Sangha 2020 Amid restriction of gathering during the pandemic this Year 2020 celebrates the Deepavali the festival, the festival of light […]Read more
Due to torrential rain continuously for over two weeks during the first two weeks of August 2020 at and around Telangana State caused havoc at Warangal district. Bharatsevashram Sangha, Hyderabad […]Read more
Relief work for Stranded Labours during Lockdown -2020 As we know, the entire nation went under lockdown since 25th of March 2020 to contain the covid19 pandemic. The […]Read more
Appeal: Generous Donation for Feeding Distressed people and Daily Wage workers due to the sudden country-wide lock down Dear Sir, This is a humble appeal to donate towards the purpose […]Read more
The occasion of Shivaratri on 21st February 2020, the day long celebration of Shri Shri Lord Shiva Puja have been celebrated with much devotion and gaiety at Bharat Sevashram Sangh, […]Read more
Maghi Poornima is the very auspicious day for BharathSevaShram Sangha as well as for Kali Yuga. On this day Guru Maharaj Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj completed the one month long Penance […]Read more