Deepavali Festival which is celebrated with the night-long Puja of Shri Shri Kalimatha devi at Bharatsevashram Sangha, Hyderabad has been marked with much galore and devotion on 12th November 2023 […]Read more
Shri Shri Annapurna puja and Annakut utsavam were celebrated with much vigor on 29th of April 2023 at Bharat Sevashram Ashram, Hyderabad premises. About 1100 devotees gathered to offer their […]Read more
Like every year, the Hyderabad Ashram of Bharat Sevashram Sangha distributed blankets to 500 needy people at the Ashram premises on 16th December 2022. BJP President of Telangana Dr. N. […]Read more
25th October 2022, Bharatsevashram Sangha, Hyderabad branch celebrated the festival of light and Shri Shri Shyama Puja with great enthusiasm and devotion by ashram Sannyasis and devotees in and around […]Read more
This year’s Notebook distribution programme was inaugurated by Dr. Tamilsai Soundararajan, Hon’ble Governor of Telangana and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry along with Swami Munishwaranandaji Maharaj, Secretary of Hyderabad ashram of […]Read more